10 Sep Bleeding Gums
If your gums are bleeding, it may be from trauma or even disease or infection.
Bleeding gums is one of the most common dental issues a patient may present with. It can cause anxiety, especially if the bleeding is frequent and without obvious cause.
If your gums begin to bleed without any impact or pressure being placed on them, it is recommended that you schedule an appointment with a dentist to get your teeth looked at.
Bleeding can be of benign or serious origin.
Excessive or vigorous brushing during an oral hygiene routine may cause cuts in the gumline. This benign issue may cause temporary issues with bleeding, however, should not lead to any long term issues without further trauma.
Gum disease or infection is the most common serious dental issue resulting in bleeding gums. Bleeding is a symptom of sensitivity or damage to tissue in the gumline.
Some blood related issues and medications may also cause bleeding gums or a sensitivity to bleeding. These can include anything from vitamin deficiency, leukemia, or taking blood thinners. Bleeding gums are not always a dental problem, and you may benefit from further testing by a specialist if bleeding persists.
Conditions That Cause Bleeding Gums
As mentioned above, bleeding from the gums can be a symptom of gum or blood related issues. Here is a list of a few causes:
- Gingivitis is an infection which causes inflammation of the gums from an excessive buildup of plaque, which can lead to symptoms of bleeding and sensitivity. This can be treated with fluoride or filings at an appointment with your dentist.
- Gingivitis can progress into periodontitis if left untreated and directly damages gum tissues, in a similar process to how tooth decay occurs. This can also be treated with fluoride and filings, as long as any decay has not progressed too far.
- A deficiency of vitamin C or K will cause blood vessels to weaken and inflame, creating a sensitivity to bleeding in the gum area when pressure (brushing your teeth) is applied. Both vitamins can be found in foods and over-the-counter medications.
- Dry mouth (xerostomia) can cause gums to become sensitive and occurs for a variety of reasons. As many things can cause dry mouth, it may be treated simply with consuming more water or may require treating other related issues.
- Leukemia, like dry mouth, is blood cancer which causes a lowered level of platelets in the bloodstream, meaning that blood cannot clot as easily and your susceptibility to bleeding is above normal. Treatment for leukemia involves either medical procedures or medication.
Preventative Measures
Don’t worry, most health issues that result in your gums bleeding can be prevented easily.
Having a good oral hygiene routine will remove plaque so it is unable to build up to a damaging level. Consistently and adequately brushing or flossing after eating is recommended. You may even want to rinse your mouth with hydrogen peroxide as it works as a great disinfectant to break down plaque.
Maintaining a balanced diet is a vital part of keeping healthy, and will ensure that your blood is able to receive the vitamins it needs to function. This can also be supplemented with vitamin C or K supplements if you feel as though you are not getting enough from food.
Avoid inhaling smoke where possible, which can cause dry mouth and other health related issues. In cases of heavy smokers, you may need to get medication to prevent persistent dry mouth.
Bleeding is often a symptom of an infection affecting your gum tissue or of a deficiency of the vitamins necessary for healthy blood flow.
As a very common dental issue, treatment for bleeding gums is widely understood and simple. It may involve taking supplements or medication, or even undertaking a procedure to revitalise your teeth and gums.
Ensuring you maintain a healthy diet, good oral hygiene, and stop smoking, if you are a smoker, will decrease your chances of your gums bleeding.